Sakuma Bros. Farms: #GSVMemberMonday Feature
Genuine Skagit Valley Member Sakuma Bros. is a 4th generation #SkagitValley farm growing and processing strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Their fresh market and IQF berries are marketed to grocery stores locally and nationally under both Sakuma Bros. and Berry Time labels.
Sakuma Bros. has been fully integrated for 30 years, picking and processing their fruit at the peak of ripeness as well as offering custom packing services.
We recently asked Mikala Staples Hughes, Director of Quality and Technical Services at Sakuma Bros. what her favorite Skagit Valley fruit or vegetable was, and here’s what she said:
“My favorite Skagit Valley fruit is a Hood Strawberry picked fresh from the field. The sweetness of a Hood Strawberry is a sure sign of summer and its short 3–4-week window for harvest makes it a sought-after annual tradition to enjoy.”
We can’t think of a better way to celebrate #NationalStrawberryDay than with a ripe, red Sakuma Bros. strawberry! 🍓 Thanks for being our #GSVMemberMonday feature, Sakuma Bros!
📷️: Clint Easley & Sakuma Bros.