Our Team

These are the people that work behind the scenes to grow Genuine Skagit Valley and develop the programs and services to promote and support agriculture in the Skagit Valley.

Blake Van Roekel
GSV Director
Sera Hartman, PMP
Project Manager

Advisory Committee

David Bauermeister
Farm Owner, The Red Shed Farm Former Executive Director, Northwest Agricultural Business Center
Jill Boudreau
Mayor, City of Mount Vernon
Tara Cunningham
Director of Sales & Marketing, Washington Lettuce & Vegetable Co. // Hughes Farms
Dave Green
President and CEO, Skagit Valley Malting
Kristen Keltz
CEO Spinach Bus Ventures
Duane Knapp
Founder and Chairman, BrandStrategy, Inc.
Don McMoran
Director, WSU Skagit County Extension
Andrew Miller
Co-Founder Tulip Valley Farms
Steve Omdal
Commissioner, Port of Skagit
Dave Paul
Director of Community Relations, Skagit Valley College
Mike Peroni
Executive Director, Northwest Agricultural Business Center
Brandon Roozen
Executive Director, Western Washington Agricultural Association
Allen Rozema
Executive Director, Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland
John Sternlicht
Linda Tyler
Community Outreach Administrator, Port of Skagit