To embed the GSV Certification Mark on a Wix site, click anywhere in the box to copy the code below, you will paste it into an HTML Embed Element.

<a href="" title="Genuine Skagit Valley Certified" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Genuine Skagit Valley Certified" width="150"></a>

Detailed Instructions

Watch the video or use the list of steps below.

NOTE: If your Wix site was set up with ADI, you will need to switch to the Editor in order to add elements to the footer.

  1. Click anywhere inside the box at the top of the page to copy the code.
  2. Scroll down to the footer and click the + from the sidebar to add an element
  3. Select Embed Code > Embed HTML from the list

  4. This will add the widget to the page. You may need to drag it close to the footer, to get the option to Move To Footer.
  5. Once placed, click Enter Code.

  6. Paste the copied code into the box. Click Update.

  7. If you need to adjust the size, you can change the width.

  8. Click Publish to view your updates.