Depending on how your WordPress site is set up, the exact instructions will vary. You may need to reach out to your developer in order to edit the footer of your site. 

If you have a site set up where the footer is built with widgets, you can add the cert with a block.

Click anywhere in the box to copy the code below, you will paste it into an HTML Block.

<a href="" title="Genuine Skagit Valley Certified" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Genuine Skagit Valley Certified" width="150"></a>

Detailed Instructions

Watch the video or use the list of steps below.

  1. Click to copy the embed code from the top of the page.
  2. From the WordPress Admin, go to Appearance > Widgets
  3. Find the Footer Widgets Section (Depending on your theme, you may have 1 or more footer sections, in this case we have 2 and we want to target the second one).
  4. Click the + inside the Widget Area to add a Block and select the HTML block.
  5. Paste our code inside the block.
  6. Click Update from the top of the page.
  7. Navigate to a page and view your work..
  8. We have set this up to be 150px wide, if you want to make it larger or smaller, you can adjust the width on the image in the code.